Advanced Processing Technology Research Centre – APT

The Advanced Processing Technology Research Centre (APT) focuses on state of the art research activities in the areas of Production Technology, Product Design & Sustainability, Micro and Nano Systems Technology, Advanced Materials Engineering and Bio Systems. The APT is a leading international research centre which as a primary goal strives to provide significant translational benefit to the wider community. Research projects undertaken within APT are conducted to a world class level and support local and internationally based enterprises. The APT research group has established a strong infrastructure of equipment and people in the area of processing technologies at DCU. APTs education and outreach events include seminars and courses which enable the transfer of processing technologies knowledge to the broader community.

Certem-Technological plateform on Microelectronics, nanotechnologies and Energy

Certem is a microelectronics technological research and development center and a public / private research group.

PAF- Additive manufacturing platform at Polytech Tours

Polytech Tours, is the graduate school of engineering of the University of Tours, it is also a member of the Polytech network.

The Polytech network is a network of 14 schools of engineering of French universities that graduate each year more than 3,000 engineers. This makes the Polytech network the biggest engineering graduates schools network in France.